Education has for too long been one of America’s most forgotten policy initiatives.
In recent years, the quality of education has been declining. According to a new Gallup poll, over the past 24 years, only 36% are satisfied with K-12 education in the U.S. which is tied for a record low. This is a daunting number. Education is a fundamental factor when projecting the success of a country. The more educated the working population is, the greater the productivity, increased efficiency, better innovation and overall more wealth creation. So how did we get here?
Throughout the Cold War era, the U.S. was home to the largest educated workforce. Yet decades later, with the rise of population and educational opportunities in various developing countries including China, India and Japan, the educational workforce has declined in the U.S. America is continuing to live in the past. Children educated in the 1960s captured a Bronze Medal in literacy, those schooled in the 1970s got 5th place in the race. But those schooled in the 1990s ranked 14th. America now ranks 36th in literacy, according to the National Literacy Institute.
The reversal of this trend is vital for two crucial areas of America’s national security. First, the American economy. The U.S. educational system is not sustainably producing enough skilled workers to sustain America’s global economic dominance. According to the Council of Foreign Relations, “Economists and employers predict that in the coming years, a growing number of U.S. citizens will face unemployment because of disparities between the workforce’s education and skills and those needed by employers.” This hurts the productivity of the U.S. economy with potentially hundreds of billions of dollars being lost because of the failed system.
Credit: Contributed
Credit: Contributed
Second, military dominance hinges on a sustainable educational system. To protect national security, the U.S. needs to maintain a robust military; yet currently, by the Department of Defense’s measures, according to the Code of Federal Regulations, 30% of applicants score too low on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery to be recruited. This is an alarming stat because being able to score high in science, math and ELA skills is vital to serve successfully, thus driving down the quality of recruits.
One possible solution that policymakers should consider is increasing the rigorous standard to become teachers. This not only increases the quality of teachers, but ensures students gain quality education from highly qualified teachers. This system has been proven to work and increase education outcomes. According to a research study of the educational system in Nordic countries (which consistently rank in the top of educational standards), “Teacher training and professional development play a crucial role in ensuring the delivery of high-quality education… Educators in these countries undergo rigorous training programs and have access to continuous development opportunities to enhance their skills and expertise… allow[ing] them to stay updated on the latest teaching methodologies, curriculum developments, and educational technologies.” This model has consistently ensured students receive top notch teachers and receive quality education.
Another solution could be expanding the educational curriculum. For example, including practical skills like basic business, technology and computing, emotional and social learning skills can greatly benefit students. In 2022, Georgia passed a law requiring all high school students to take a personal finance course. This is a great first step that students are more responsible with their personal finances. By continuing to ensure students get quality teachers and a better balanced curriculum, it vaults American students into an opportunity to better contribute to American readiness, whether that be in the military gaining more specialized soldiers or in a more skilled labor force.
Education at its core is a fundamental right that should be a priority to ensure the foundation of American democracy. Even outside the scope of a national security concern, education provides people with the options in terms of career, high potential for upward economic mobility, greater civic education and so much more. No one can take away what you learn.
Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” America needs to reclaim its position as the education hub of the world, and to do so, needs to shift its policies to incentivize creativity, innovation and maximize opportunity for the American Dream.
Jason Eappen is a sophomore at the University of Georgia. As a high school student, he started HYPE, a nonprofit that aims to offer computer science courses to underserved communities in South Georgia.
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