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Republicans have turned lying into a political strategy

I continue to be astonished at the willingness of Republicans to put their personal politics above everything, including people’s lives.

I watched the governor of Florida try to cast doubt on the fact of global warming at a news conference about recovery from two consecutive hurricanes that decimated his state.

In other news, a Georgia Republican congresswoman asserted that the government can control the weather. Republicans have turned blatant lying (or perhaps just blatant ignorance) into a political strategy.

As national election day approaches, it behooves every voter to consider carefully the motives behind what they are being told by the candidates. Are these people you trust to have your best interest in mind or who are just pursuing their personal agenda without regard for you?


‘Common sense gun laws’ will leave Americans unarmed

When you hear the term “common sense gun laws” from someone on the left, you better stock up on ammo and hide your guns. The term “common sense gun laws” was coined by those organizations whose ultimate goal is to disarm Americans completely. Even Sarah Brady said that proposed gun laws were “a good start.” This creeping incrementalism is meant to encourage Americans to disarm themselves until they have no means of self-defense. A defenseless population is easily controlled and dominated.

Remember when Democrat Beto O’Rourke promised he would go door to door confiscating the most popular rifle in America? There are legions of gun confiscators just like Beto. Anti-gunners will promote seemingly minor gun restrictions until they reach their goal of a defenseless American people.

Gun violence in our country was very minor until our confused educational system, mindless media, and corrupted parenting greatly damaged the mental health of our young. The anti-gun lobby is lying when it claims that nobody is trying to take your guns.