Credit: Handout
Credit: Handout
Q: I have enjoyed your column for years. My request to find this item in some local grocery store should be the easiest — it’s Campbell’s Cream of Broccoli Soup. Simple, right? I have searched every Publix and Kroger in a 10-mile radius. They have many cans of Cream of Celery (ugh!), Cream of Mushroom (of course), Cream of Chicken and even Cream of Bacon (whatever that is). I substitute Cream of Broccoli for Cream of Chicken in an excellent supreme potato casserole for my vegetarian friends. The other “creams” just won’t work. Can you help me find any store that sells Campbell’s Cream of Broccoli or any other canned broccoli soup brand? — Scott Sanders, email
A: Scott, thank you for reading. I can see that you desperately need Campbell’s Cream of Broccoli soup, and I’m happy to tell you it is available locally. Publix, 104 Town Blvd., Brookhaven, 404-233-7475, has Campbell’s Cream of Broccoli in stock for $1.99 per can. When I checked with the store, there were 16 cans on the shelf, so you can stock up.
Q: I have two desk chairs in excellent condition, except that the hydraulic lift has gone bad, and the chair sinks periodically. Do you know anyone in Atlanta who can repair this? — Lieselotte Miller, email
A: Roberic Furniture Group, 706-482-0184, specializes in on-site repair for all types of power furniture, including recliners, theater seating and office chairs. You can email photos of your chairs to
You can stop looking
Kathie Howell of Peachtree Corners has scoured her local grocery stores searching for Kitchen Accomplice reduced-sodium chicken and beef broths. Ohio-based More Than Gourmet owned Kitchen Accomplice until Ajinomoto Health and Nutrition North America Inc. acquired the company in 2023. Unfortunately, Ajinomoto stopped production of its More Than Gourmet retail items early in 2024, and all the remaining products were sold by March of last year.
Having trouble finding a particular item? Sabine Morrow will try to help you locate it. Because of the volume of mail, we cannot track down every request. Email (include your name, the city you live in and a daytime phone number) or call 404-526-5931 and leave a voicemail with that information.
Sabine Morrow is a freelance writer who has been digging up hard-to-find items and services for readers since 2001.
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